Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Am I a Bisexual homophobe?

Is it possible to be a homosexual homophobe? I'm bi and yet I can't stand some gay ppl. I hate the flamming gay guys who say that there are gay requirments such as talking like a black woman, walking like a ******, and you must love lady gaga and theater. And I hate those really butch lesbos that's shave their heads and dress like dudes and spit. I call them ******* and dikes when talking about them to friends and have no shame saying it to their face. So what I'm asking is am I a homophobe even though I dislike some gay people?. And does anyone else feel this wag about these sort of people? I know they have the right to dress, and act however they want I'm not saying it's wrong. But do you feel this way or know someone who does?

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