Monday, July 18, 2011

Better NFL WR, Randy Moss or Terrell Owens?

When I say that I mean overall and currently. Id say overall, it's Moss. Even though Owens has better stats, he's only really significantly beating Moss in receptions, and yards and TDs, Moss is very close behind. And don't forget that Owens also came in the league two years ahead of Moss which gave him a better chance at stats. If they had come into the league at the same time, Moss probably would be beating Owens in most major receiving categories. I feel Moss was also a very important catalyst to his teams succes. Such as when with Vikings, he helped Culpepper have one of the best seasons a QB ever had and helped revatilze Randall Cunningham's career. With the Patriots, he helped Brady have a record breaking season and a SB appearance, and broke some records himself. Owens was no slouch either, he did help San Franc. QBs and gave the Eagles the threath they had been lacking for McNabb for a while and finally allowed them to get over the Championship hump, but I still feel Moss did more. Currently, Owens is the better one because he had a much better season than Moss, but I feel Moss can rebound again like with the Patriots trade and have a better season than Owens next year. They were both the biggest WR divas of their generation, but I feel Moss will be considered the better receiver once it's all said and done, with no disrespect to what Owens has done.

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