Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can I have my 6 month old boxers tail docked?

I have a 6 month old boxer with an un-docked tail. I want to have it docked due to the fact that he wags it so hard and smacks it on stuff, that he literally breaks the skin and then it starts bleeding and he sprays blood all over the place and I'm constantly having to clean blood off my walls, my refrigerator, my stove, etc. I put bandages on the tail end, and he just keeps taking them off and then eating them. And then I have to give him peroxide to make him throw them back up because if I don't, then he'll become backed up and he could potentially die. We're getting him fixed soon and we would probably just have the tail done at that time if it is possible to have it done at this age. I'm not doing this to make him look "cool". I'm doing it because I'm sick of cleaning blood off everything in my house! Anyone who knows anything about this subject please give me your thoughts! Thanks

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