Friday, July 15, 2011

If there is a 2011 football season, Standings(NFC) ?

i dont think the nfc north will do that well. you said that the packers have the toughest schedule in the league. well, based on the system, the rest should have a tough time too since only 2 games are different between all the teams (minus home and away games). as for the east, i see the cowboys and eagles being tied for 11-5. in those losses early, vick started and got the win with kolb winning the game. he didnt get the start. but kolb for the most part wont be there. the cowboys have a lot of upside this season inclding new staff all around and romo of course. the redskins still have problems with the offense. maybe 9-78. the giants have a brutal last 8 games. and they have a problem playing the 2nd half. the nfc west is the nfc west, i dont agree, but i dont disagree. anything can happen. i think the nfc south is pretty accurate, i just dont see the panthers doing much better. they still have a lot more prblems than just qb. thats why i thought giving clausen the boot for newton was bad because they need help on defense and clausen was still young and developing. but who knows? last season made EVERYONE look stupid. plus, i cant say much since players havent been resigned so players like asomghua possibly resigning can make/break a team.

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