Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this plot idea for a vampire story any good at all?

I actually kind of liked it. Vampires portrayed in a darker light, like they were meant to be. Very refreshing. Then I got to the end where she kisses him and he realizes he likes her, and it ruined it for me. I'm really tired of vampire/human romantic relationships. They're everywhere these days. Its overdone and its hardly believable/realistic due to the fact that vampires exist to drink human blood. That's all I'll say on that subject, but up until that point I thought it could be interesting. Oh, one other thing that bothered me, the part where all the other soldiers are picked off team by team, one by one. I can totally see that playing out like a cliche scene out of a horror movie, where the killer eliminates all but the most important characters in horribly gruesome ways. Its not very original.

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