Friday, July 15, 2011

Please help!!! Is this a ghost/demon/? Or was my cat just grumpy?

I'm really trying to figure out what's going on here so please no "nice story" answers... So 3 years ago my best friend passed away, he was 21. The day he died I went into his house and I was pretty upset, I took one of his wifebeaters (it sounds creepy but I wanted to feel like he was still there) I've had it ever since,I have washed it. So yesterday I felt upset and I brought his wifebeater out of my closet, I talk to it sometimes, it makes me feel like I'm talking to him. After, I left it laying on my bed. Last night i brought my cat inside to sleep with me cause it was raining. Usually when I bring her inside, she is happy and she jumps on my bed, lays down so I can pet her and she falls asleep with me, but yesterday She didn't want to be in my bed at all! I'd pick her up and I'd put her on my bed and she'd wag her tail and run from my bed and stand on the floor without moving. At first I thought that maybe she just wanted to play with my stuff before jumping into bed. Then I heard noises but I wasn't sure what they were, my cat heard them too, and I started feeling like there was something else in the room, like the air seemed thicker. I picked up my cat a few times and I kept taking her to my bed but she kept and running away and from it and she began scratching under the door like she wanted to get out and her pupils were super dilated, she also began mowing, she usually does this when she wants me to pet her. I picked her up again and I put her on the right side of my bed and she growled at me, something that she only does when she is uneasy, in pain, or afraid, and she ran away from the bed again, that's when I noticed that the wifebeater was on my bed(the right side) it seemed like the cat wanted to get out so when it stopped raining I took her outside.when I was in my room I heard a loud noise, but it was coming from OUTSIDE of my room, it sounded like something had fallen down but there was nothing there.Can someone please help me?? What could this be??

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