Saturday, July 23, 2011

My new dog won't pee?

she has to feel comfortable in her environment give her some time. when i got my dog he did the same thing i wouldn't worry too much . when she cant hold it no longer she will go.a lot of activity may stimulate her bladder

Must I use premium gas in my VW?

It is recommended to use premium gasoline in many newer cars nowadays as the engine runs smoother and there's a power increase as well. You can use standard unleaded but it's not recommended.

Would these go good together?

Would a male blue neon dwarf gourami go good with a male pearl gourami! Or another male dwarf gourami?? With Red wag platties and guppies? And shrimp

What do you think of the new song 'Freedom for Palestine'?

Atheist here. Obviously the video is very one sided but we can't deny that these people are being killed, their homes destroyed, discriminated. Some are not totally innocent either but I reckon they have it a lot worse.

Where Can I get a solutions manual to the homework assignments of Mastering Physics for College Physics 2nd ed?

Where Can I get a solutions manual to the homework assignments of Mastering Physics for College Physics 2nd edition by Randall Knight? I need it very much!! Willing to pay

Why do people like ray william johnson?

I just watched a Nigahiga video, and there was this comment about Johnson beating him in the most subscribers. How did that happen? I clicked on a Johnson video and I was like OMG! He cursed like 10 million times. And all he was doing was reviewing all of the other people's videos, and there was this voice of this stereotypical foreign guy... not funny at all! Can you please explain to me exactly why so many people like him and would subscribe to him? And by the way, I'm talking about case you haven't noticed.

What team is best for Penn State's PG Talor Battle?

I know he is short and came from PSU. But of all the big time players in the big ten he was the only one to score 2,000 points. He can hit those NBA range three pointers. But as a little guy im still surprised that he was only the 10 person in College Basketball history to score 2,000 points and have 500 assists and rebounds. Let alone the first from the big ten. remember that magic johnson came out of the big ten.

Will Ray William Johnson become #1 most suscribed?

i rather nigahiga, but rwj uploads videos more often. So yeah, he will probably be #1 most subscribed soon

Best non organic milk?

I hate to say this but.. I am one of the loons that bought in the organic milk is best epidemic. Lately, money has been more tight and we are on a budget. Which milk (that I can actually get at Kroger, Heb, Walmart, Randalls) type stores is the best. I am looking to buy a cheaper, non organic milk to save money. I noticed that Oak Farms says that they do not use any hormones or additives, and so do some others. My child drinks alot of milk and we want to keep costs down, once again.

My dog is on heat but has stopped waging her tail?

she has been on for just over a week but since last nit she wont wag her tail which she normally does all day every day, she can lift it when she does her business but other than that she is keeping it down between her legs

How to introduce my new kitten to my 3yr old dog?

It needs to be in a controlled environment when your dog is calm the dog and the kittens first impression on eachother are everything but keep the dog calm if it gets too rowdy it could reiun the kittens first impression and the kitten could be scared of the dog for a very long while

Came home from school and found my dog with tail tucked between back legs, whats wrong?

I tried calling him, but he didn't come to me which is weird because he always does. I found him laying down. when i petted him, he followed me but i noticed that he was walking strange. and his tail wasn't wagging, it was tucked between his legs. i thought maybe his tail got stuck to his anus because he gets poop caught in his hair a lot so when i tried to gently move his tail, he cried out in pain. he didnt bark at my sister's boyfriend (who he hates A LOT) and he kept shivering. i brought him to the vet immediately and they did x-rays on him. they found no bones were broken and they were ok. he told me something about poop but i couldnt understand a lot because he had a strong accent. But then i gave it some thought, and i dont think he's constipated because he pooped yesterday at 1am, and he was still eating and drinking. Last time i saw him healthy was 12pm today, he was PERFECTLY healthy. then left for school and came home 2 hours later and found him like this. so i think he might have been abused by my sister's boyfriend, because my sister's bf tends to messed with him when im not around... he really hates the dog. The doctor gave me pain medication. What else can I do? and what else could be wrong with my dog?

How will the Bills do this year?

3-13???? Remember how many close games the Bills lost last season? Chiefs? Ravens? Steelers? Okay schedule apart from a tough division but if Fitzpatrick and Steve Johnson pick up where they left off last year and CJ Spiller come to play then I can definately see 6-10 this season. Avid Colts fan but I always like to see the Bills do well :) (I think its the whole losing in 4 superbowls thing!)

Leopard gecko tail wagging?

my brother was holding my leopard gecko (female) he put her on his bed and she started doing a tail wag slowly and then stoped and started walking around the bed she also did the sae thing when i was letting her walk around in my room on my floor what could this mean?

Who wins This 5 on 5 Match: Team Kobe vs Team Jorda ?

Team Jordan.. Damn there's alot of love di*kriders saying he's the goat just stupid.. JORDAN IS THE GOAT

Can you wear black shoes with beige pants?

if not, what other color shoes should i wear. (not beige or nude). the pants kinda look like this:,r:9,s:0&biw=1024&bih=537

Friday, July 22, 2011

Meaning of this portion of Jack Johnson's song, "Breakdown"?

I am a huge Jack Johnson fan and have often wondered this myself. I think he means that you just need to let go of your worries and problems and just enjoy what you have. The first stanza says that you can't really control anything if your mind just keeps on thinking about everything that's happening. You just have to let it go, get outside and enjoy the train being broken down, not stay inside the train. The third stanza is about how you can't control what happens to you and the fourth is about how you just need to let it go. That's what I think anyways. :]

Did anyone ask RWJ "Which came first the chicken or the egg?"?

I don't want to ask the question myself, but it sounds like something that Ray William Johnson might have chosen as the comment question of the day. If he did, could someone please tell me the video in which it was answered in? Thank you [:

Future 29 gallon tank stocking idea?

I'm worried that the tiger barbs will be aggressive if the pack is too small. I really think that's risky. Tetras are okay, but FYI, tiger barbs are also very nippy and I always consider tiger barbs nippier than any tetras. Be careful about livebearers because when you add a female, your tank has the probability to be overstocked (except if you plan to breed them)

Should i take her to the vet?

My your description, it definitely sounds like she is in some kind of pain. I know that my cat behaved very oddly (in a withdrawn, acting sick kind of way) after a bite at the base of her tail that we hadn't noticed developed an abscess. Bites from other animals can be very hard to see. If she is struggling to jump, are you sure you have checked the backs of her legs? Legs and tails are common bite areas, and sometimes abscesses can form that are not easy to see but are painful and can definitely put your cat out of sorts. Or perhaps her tail is damaged, and she is hesitant to jump because flexing the tail is painful? I would definitely take her into the vet and give him the story, just to be safe.

Which of these boys namecombos do you like most?why?

Oliver Randall - I really like the way that Oliver and Randall sound together,the R sound ties together which makes it sound nice.I also like the name Oliver because of the way it sounds.I hope I helped :)

The Johnsons have accumulated a nest egg of $18,000 that they intend to use as a down payment toward the purch?

The Johnsons have accumulated a nest egg of $18,000 that they intend to use as a down payment toward the purchase of a new house. Because their present gross income has placed them in a relatively high tax bracket, they have decided to invest a minimum of $1300/month in monthly payments (to take advantage of the tax deduction) toward the purchase of their house. However, because of other financial obligations, their monthly payments should not exceed $1600. If local mortgage rates are 7.5%/year compounded monthly for a conventional 30-yr mortgage, what is the price range of houses they should consider? (Round your answers to the nearest cent.)

Blood blister on tip of tail?

paws and tail get blood blisters (boils) and he is always itching. tail wags and blood everywhere. Had him on antibiotics before,he has allergies to outside grass etc. so he gets shots and only last 2 weeks. Tried oatmeal baths, salt water soaks for paws.

What does 'if it aint your tail, dont wag it' mean?

what does 'if it aint your tail, dont wag it' mean? my grandma said that to me and i have no idea what she was talking about.

Sick dog... someone help please?

My dog is a half chihuahua half boston terrier. He's about 4 years old. After I took him on a walk he came inside and would not walk up the stairs. He's panting a lot and his stomach is really bloated. he's a very hyper dog normally. his tail is still wagging but he's not being his normal self. It's midnight so I cant take him to a vet. Does anyone have an idea of what might be wrong. he's making moaning sounds but they're short.

My dog keeps hitting her tail on things!?

she has a very hard tail and it hits really hard and lately it started to bleed its happened before but it stoped after a little bit but now its been months she lost the hair on one side of the tail along time ago what should i do its not her fault she gets excited and wags her tail. what can i do and not cut her tail because she's not a puppy and more she's 4

What do you think of these names?

I like Novalee Skye, Aubree Sybil Victoria , Aliannah Honor. (nova, bree and allie For short) and for boys: cooper daniel and gavin randall

Can I get in trouble if my dogs bite my neighbors kids?

Yes you could. I would try and get some video of the little darlings at their handiwork. Just in case. Some people just should not be allowed to breed!

What amplifier brand is best for metal playing?

I'm looking for a good amplifier for down-tuned, heavy metal guitar playing. I want a brand that has good solid state amps and the thickest sound possible. So far I've chosen Randall brand, but I'm open to new ideas. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you

Why does my dog bring me 'offerings'?

My family calls them 'offerings'. Whenever I get home, she runs and greets me, tail wagging so hard her butt's wagging. I pet her, she runs in circles, and runs to fetch something to give me. Usually a toy of hers, but failing that she'll grab towels, pants, hoodies - anything that belongs to me. It's starting to happen even when I praise her in the house. She runs and grabs something to give me. Why does she do this?

Whos The Best Reciever Out Of....?

Alshon Jeffery Aj Green Justin Blackmon Julio Jones Titus Young Michael Floyd Randall Cobb Austin Pettis Ryan Broyles Deandre Brown Tori Gurley Chris Rainey

"90 years ago, boxer jack johnson sought his own pardon" thoughts about the man and his part in the history?

He was exclusive in the fact that no other black man did it. that's for sure.Im shocked he got as far as he did back then.I don't hold much about the fact that he was black.He was a man fighting for himself trying to make things better.Any man would do that.I wish we didn't have to differentiate period. Its a nice thought though Kiz.Thanks.I read that earlier.Sometimes i wonder why i don't feel more obligated to see things that way.I just don't.I guess i don't know how.We are all people with struggles beyond our comprehension.So no man is better than another.Didn't mean to get technical kiz.

Some questions about my dogs behavior?

I just got home from the last day of school and my dog pretty much jumped me. She was wagging her tail and climbing on me and such. Is this acceptable behavior? Ive been told not to let your dog jump on you so thats why Im asking

Democrats: Apart from Obama, who would you vote for in the 2012 presidency?

Till now only Alvin Greene, Barack Obama, Jim Hightower, Randall Terry applied for the Democratic Position

Will the "Sausage Race Incident" hurt Randall Simon's chances of getting into the HOF?

No, he's not a candidate for the Hall of Fame, he's simply not a good enough player. The incident was unfortunate but could probably be apologized for (again) and wouldn't be the wall that entirely prevented him, but he's not really a serious candidate to start with.

DS: What strange or quirky things do your dogs do?

Our dog gets under the computer desk and nudges my feet until I remove my socks. He then proceeds to thoroughly clean my feet. His tongue has the consistency of a warm, damp velvet polishing cloth. He even lets me know when he wants me to turn my foot. If I do not remove my socks he slobbers copiously all over them.

Is McConnell's tea party troubles just starting in the Senate with Johnson threatening to tie up the Senate?

After a couple years of a Teabagger House, neither McConnell or any other conservative will have to worry about the Speakers slot.

My dog hurt her back right leg.?

You did the absolute right thing by icing her leg! I'd say keep her quiet - no running or jumping - and see if she's back to normal tomorrow. If she is, great, but if not, she needs the vet for x-rays. Some injuries get worse if the dog's allowed to use the leg. Not crying means nothing at all - a great many dogs are very stoic and don't let on they're in pain. She wouldn't be limping if she weren't in pain.

Which of these starting lineups is best?

considering that team B is stacked with athleticism. I say team B because out of the centers you choose dwight is the best and Jordan is Jordan. And you have considerable one of the best if not the best power forward in history. So TEAM B

My parents are reluctant to put our dog down?

My question is should I encourage them to go through with it? They have been considering the idea for a while and I think it is well past my dog's time. He's only 14, but he has lost the luster in his eyes. He sleeps the majority of the day and has sores all over from lying down so much. He has Cushing's disease (which causes weakening of abdomen and leg muscles and excessive thirst and urination), arthritis, and recurrent infection. He has poor appetite, never wags his tail and has great difficulty getting up and moving around. I pity him. But my parents don't want to let go. I love our dog, but he seems to be miserable.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do you think of the new song 'Freedom for Palestine'?

The song is a fantastic way to raise awareness about Israel's continual human rights abuses against the Palestinian people, as well as about the apartheid and occupation practices being carried out by the Zionist state. Israel is a colonial-settler state, which has been engaging in the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians for more than 63 years. Buy the song and support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel and demand Israel comply with international human rights laws! There can be no peace without justice!

What decor should I put in my fish tank...?

Decoration is totally depend on you, you can make a good planted tank as per my opinion, but if you are looking for Artificial Decor you may visit this web site there you may able to find out AZOO decoration for your tank

Fantays baseball trade?

with the first basemen you have,fielder is not worth have 3 of the best shortstops, why get cabrera? i would suggest getting grandy in a different trade because he is on fire. you dont need adam lind or nunez(you have the best 2 closers).you dont need ventures. he is getting the better deal. i would try to get granderson and get rid of crawford, he is not doing well(dont drop though). please tell me if this helps

English help? please?

Help does not mean doing your assignment for you. Help means checking your assignment for accuracy after you have completed it.

Is this a good trade?

Joe Johnson & a first rounder for Brandon Roy & a second rounder. Im playing 2k11 association.

Are the celtics big men going to be sorry short old and young next season?

Insult oneal please because we cant exclude him he going to be one of the reason johnson my average 80 minutes a game play pf and c at the same time

Question: theoretically, can basically anyone make money on sites like xtube?

So this is a question spurned by a research paper i did a year back and thought of recently. Most porn is physically fit guys, but guys who aren't that fit seem to get more views in the free sections on sites such as xtube. Not to mention from guys like Adam Killian to Zack Randall, those fit types come a dime a dozen. So here's the question, say a "chub" decided to go from free vids to making an amateur account. Theoretically, they too could make a meager amount couldn't they? Opinions welcome but you should at least be "legal age" if you're gonna answer this one :P

2011-2012 nba season predictions?

Only 2 predictions by me. They won't play all 82 games and Kawhi Leonard will be rookie of the year.

Is this vampire story appealing to you?

im sorry but o just couldn't read more than a few sentences but what i read was awesome but ill just wait till it comes out on theaters :p

Why does my Boyfriend talk to my little puppy in Baby Talk?

I have a mini yorkie that's about 2 years old. She is only about 1.7 lbbs and 7 feet long, and maybe 5 inches tall. Whenever my boyfriend comes over he talks to her in babytalk. He says things like. o0o0o0o0o The little baby.. And when he gives her food he will say o0o0o0o little yum yums. And then when he pulls the treats out before he gives them to her he will say o0o0o0ohhhhhhh in this little baby tone of voice.. My dog likes it i guess becoz she wags her tail alot when he starts talking to her like that but why does he do it? I want to ask him but is that normal? should I just leave it alone?

How to calm down my rage?

As a very young girl you seemingly have an awful lot on your plate. You probably have underlying feelings about what has happened to you and your resulting pregnancy and child birth. It also seems your family members have many problems dealing with what happened to you. Don't necessarily always agree with psycho-therapy and the need for long term visitation to a therapist; which is what they usually want. TIME, and sometimes, only time will begin to reveal the answers you seek for yourself in your life. Young people MUST learn Patience when it comes to dealing with time and the pace of our lives. I have always had to find some way to calm my inner desires or anxieties in dealing with the pace of life. Find a place only you will know about; a place away from the world you are normally involved in; a place away from all noises except the gentle breezes across your face to help your mind and sort it all out.

Do Cairn Terriers make good pets.?

My wife and 15 year-old daughter called me from a pet store yesterday and wanted to bring, "the cutest puppy" on the planet home - a Cairn terrier. I said how much, and my daughter answered, "it's $200 off." 1. How do you ensure that this, or any dog at a pet store, is not the product of a "puppy mill?" 2. Is there really an advantage to having a dog, a Cairn terrier in this case, "with papers." 3. The only dog we've ever had that liked me was a mixed breed rescued terrier (Wags, a 20 pound friend of the highest order); 4.) I'm a jogger and the dogs that give me the most trouble are the small ones. How will a Cairn do? What is their disposition regarding aggressiveness. I realize training is a big factor, too; 5) What should you look for in a Cairn puppy to decide if he (and this dog is a he?) will be a credit to his breed, and gender? 6) Finally, how do Cairn terriers differ from other types of terriers?

Can you name Randall Cunningham's brother?

He changed Alabama's mind about the ***** player. Myth says he changed Bryant's mind, but in reality, he was already recruiting black players, and even had a scholarship player on his freshman squad.

Where can I get cheap nba jerseys custom made at?

I am trying to get a E'twaun Moore and JaJuan Johnson jersey made up or if they are selling somewhere already can some one help me out please

Is johnson and johnson shampoo good for controlling hair loss...?

i was using biolage fortifying shampoo...initially it worked wonder..i mean not a single hair fall occured..but after few months my hair started falling ....then i moved on to sunsilk black shine,but it didnt help me either....i used 2 have a very thick,healthy hair earlier,i want 2 get it back....i am totaly confused now,which shampoo will be good for hair me pls...

Will Johnson's Shea and Cocoa Butter Lotion make my skin darker?

I just bought it and i was wondering if it will make my skin darker. Or will it do something else to my skin??

What is your opinion on each republican candidate?

None of them represent how two-thirds of the country really feels, thinks or believes. I suppose it'd be accurate to describe me as a progressive dem. God bless you as well. I've no favorite party because they both kinda suck right now. I'd like to see the Green Party have a true shot at an election.

English help? please?

Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey. If you have done the assigned reading, these should be very easy to answer. If you haven't, it would be unethical of us to reward you for not having done the required work.

Will a wagtail platy breed with a red platy or a dalmation molly?

I have two female platys, a female dalmation molly, a female balloon molly and a male wag tail molly. Will these fish breed?

Questions about Pomeranian behavior?

I have a 4 month old female Pomeranian, my first one. I also have a 3 1/2 month male dachshund. I'm beginning to notice more and more that my dachshund alvin loves people, loves to lay with you, comes up to anyone wagging his tail happy as can be. My pom on the other hand is kind of distant. She either barks at people or she runs off when they approach her. Often times she runs off from me when I try to just pick her up! She's just not as people oriented at times. Other times she runs under my feet to get away from Alvin. Also if she is only about 2 1/2 pounds at 4 months old how big do you think she will get? I met her mom and her mom was very sweet, you think she will grow out of this? Anyone ever experience this type of behavior in a pom?? Any advice is appreciated!

Ward has no problem with Vegas...and its what Froch wants too.Good move for them both?

Hello there Cheyenne! I think it's exciting for them to fight in Las Vegas if and when it does happen. I mean what could be better than the WBA and WBC Champions going at it on the grandest of boxing venues, at least in my opinion. Yes this fight is a big one and deserves the top billing. And I may just have to get tuned in on this fight because I think it's bound to be something very special indeed. Good question my friend!

Dream about my dead dog?

My dog died the end of april.And i rly miss her because i had her for 11 years..and im 14.Anyways..i had a dream that it was night and i woke up.So i got up and looked out the window in the front room.Then i went to the kitchen (it rly dark) and i saw something white lieing down looking up at me that looked like my dog.And it was.So i picked her up and petted her (it felt real,and i think i was sorta controlling my dream)...and she wagged her tail,and seemed fine.Then i started thinking,shes dead and shes right here,fine,and im petting her...she seemed so happy to see me..then i forced myself to wake then i actually woke up..and i was a little creeped out,but now i feel rly sad.Like she was so happy to see me,and i just left..i mean i could even feel her fur when i petted her,it was that real. Anyways..what does this dream mean?

Why do my 4 puppies bully their youngest and smallest sibling?

Well dogs are very dominant animals, so what you can do when they are treating it so badly is take the runt and give it a lot of attention that shows that you care for that dog and if they believe you are the dominant then they will have more respect for the runt. I used to have to do it with my little pomeranian and now i have the best relationship with her haha.

My dog fell on its back and now she can't move her tail?

So, our 6 year old pug was on our master bed. We have another pug who was on the bed too and she got jealous of the other and started a fight. She knocked her off the bed and she landed on her back. Now she is walking around but her tail is just limp between her legs hanging back and forth, so far I haven't seen her curl it up or wag it. The fall off the bed was around 2 - 2 1/2 feet. Is this something serious and should we take her to the vet? She hasn't shown signs of distress so far, but it only happened around a half an hour ago.

Why is Nurse Ratched considered a villain?

Because while she is professional, she also doesn't seem to care about the patients except in a superficial way. She also reveals her cruelty when she finds out Billy Bibbit has had sex, a normal desire, by threatening to tell his mother and embarrass him. She doesn't care about the patients finding happiness or bettering their lives...she simply wants to go through the motions and maintain her authority over them.

Does anyone have an extra code to unlock sgt johnson for halo ODST?

I really just bought the game and I really want to play as him, gamertag is rebellion47, I'd really appreciate it!

Johnson outboard timing adjustment?

I have been searching the internet for instructions on making timing adjustments and every posting says something completely different. Some say you must buy some Special spark sensor thing that lights up markings on the fly wheel. Some say you must buy some kind of Special caliper that screws into the sparkplug hole. and others say just twist the idle adjust screw. My question is do you use the idle adjust screw and if you do why dose it mader where the markings on the fly wheels are. And what specal Secret classified information is in the shop manual that i must know. And what is all this stuff people say like "set it to 4 degrees". If there is no lodgical answer for any of these questions can someone just explane the flywheel markings and how to adjust. and are there any special tools i need?

What do you think of these names?

I agree that names are over-emphasized and a largely insignificant part of a story, however, I'd check to see about using a video camera in 1976. Sony didn't come out with the Betamax until the early 1980's, and prior to that cameras that took pictures of moving images were big and bulky, not likely to be carried everywhere by a 13 year old.

Im looking for an outboard motor.?

I want to buy a 2 stroke 15 hp outboard motor, but im not sure what to buy. Which brand is most dependable and at a good price. I would also like a light weight one too. My last motor was a 1998 johnson, back then they were the best out there. Im not sure if they still are the best, I havn't shopped around for one in such a long time.( its for a 14-15 foot alluminum boat)

What do you think to this trade? Is it good for clippers?

Good for clips bad for wolves. Wow morons on here let me break this down for the clowns. Kamen is old he's past his prime Gomes and Foye are FRIGGIN role players never gonna top 10 ppg. Johnson and Randolph have crazy potential Randolph will be a legit 20 10 guy with 1.5-2.0 bpg. You guys saying this is good for the wolves know jack about hoops. CLOWNS

What type of platties should I get?

get the 4 red wags and 2 of every other one if they hav gold twin bared if not take the 2 that were going to be gold twin bared and make them your second favorite breed

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why can't my dog wag or lift his tail?

My dog couldn't lift or wag his tail from one day to another....... he has a flaccid tail, but there is no pain at all; must likely is numb... Can someone tell me if is something bad? I read about "cold tail" but it said that it's painful which is not my dog another hand they also told me that it would heal on his own... is it true? Thanks... and please answer ASAP

Do you like my rap song?

ok, im a rapper from the rap group Kon Wags Group, but this song is for my solo album, my friends have told me it's good, but i want some opinions from people who won't tell me its good cuz im their friend, also dont say "ur a fag" or something dumb like that and pls give me some constructive criticism, even if you like it ;)

Do you think Magic Johnson is the GOAT if he didnt have Kareem?

No way Magic Johnson is arguably the best pointguard of all time he revolutionized the position. He is the only player to have that much sucess at his hight. he was 6'9" and moved like he was 6 feet tall. He carried that team on his back a lot of times they complimented each other nicely.

How to stop my puppy from weeing when she gets excited?

My 5 month old black Labrador wees every time someone new approaches her and sometimes even when her other owner (my girlfriend) comes home from work! She is wagging her tail and greeting them but urinating at the same time. It's not the end of the world, but when we take her (the puppy) to other peoples houses and she wees on other peoples carpets it's a little embarrassing. Is this just a puppy thing that she will grow out of or is it a problem we have to adress with training or the vets? Many thanks!

Can you guys give me some songs like...?

bands that are similar- angus and julia stone, sarah blasko, just look around youtube and you will find heaps in suggestion bars, oh! and the kooks are amazinggggg but phoenix is the bomb.

Help what's wrong with my dog?

I came from school (half day) and my dog(Lina) was just sitting there in the back yard. She always runs up to me with her tail wagging and happy to see me but she doesn't move! My other dog chucho was running around normally and he came to me like usually. It was hot out and since lina is a indoor dog I think she didn't want to be outside I gave her water and she didn't drink, she just sat there. I said 'want a cookie?'(treat) cause she seemed sad and everytime I say that she gets so happy but this time she didn't budge I set it on the floor and she didn't eat it. I started to get worried. Then I thought she might be tired so I brought the doggy bed and put her there, she was shivering but she fell asleep. I moved the bed since it was near the air conditioning and put a blanket over her and gave her her favorite toy she slept for about 6 hours and she woke up and puked then went for a drink of water and fell asleep. Is she tired, sick? Depressed? Please help I love my dogs so much!

Fish tank problems should I remove a fish?

danios need to be kept in a group of 6-8. If they are consistently chasing each other then remove one from the tank, if they just do it for a few minutes and then stop they should be okay until you rehouse the goldfish and get more danios.

Fantasy Baseball Help..?

first thing, get with the times son you should have a yahoo team not one on espn, especially when your on yahoo asking for the looks though hitting is a problem you could us an upgrade pretty much at each guess is your about 5th or 6th in the league.....and at this point i think its prolly to late to make up enough ground needed to win the i would just cope with what you have and make due.....all the best on next season, hopefully your league will be rolling on yahooo......

Do you think "Xavier" is a good bad boy name, and can you help be with a surname for it?

I am writing a book, and I need a name for a bad boy/ ladies man type. I was thinking Xavier. Do you like it? And can you give me a last name to go with it. NOTHING BORING LIKE SMITH, BROWN, OR JOHNSON! and nothing crazy, either. Just a good last name. All ideas for surnames, and first names are welcome!

If you had to give your dog away and you then saw it out on public?

What would the dog reaction be will he wag his tail or would he forget out you and what would the owner of my old dog think.

Is this a good NFL Mock Draft?

Gabbert isn't going number one overall. The Redskins will go defense with their pick and the Rams will go with a receiver.

What are some good music artists?

I am looking for artists similar to John Mayer, Jack Johnson and others. I like country and some alternative music. Just not a lot of auto-tune, I don't really like that. I really enjoy just like acoustic music with someone and a guitar. But I'm open to anything. I have been listening to a lot of country lately and I'm looking to branch out but if you know any good country, that would be nice too. Thanksss!!! :)

Should I trade Pujols?

i would make the trade,up to this point pujols has been a headache and youre getting good value from the other team and you have a plan to flip

WDYT of these boy names?

I like Greyson the best because it is unique. It is also cute as a little boy name but will sound distinguished when he gets older.

Does anyone know where I can find this film on home video?

It's the 1957 film called "No Down Payment" with Tony Randall and I can find all sorts of reviews and blogs about it, but I can't find anywhere that sells it. Is there anyone who might know of a place I haven't tried yet? Thanks in advance.

What do you think of the names ive decided on?

Coming from a teenager who knows too much from name bantering, don't use Cooper or Corbin. I like Gavin, Syke, and Justin though

Boston Celtics center, Has anyone ever thought about this (give me your thoughts)?

JaJuan Johnson is 6'10 and Kendrick Perkins is also 6'10 so why dont people think he can be the starting center. JJ is alot faster and leaner than Perkins AND his jumpshooting and free throw shooting is alot better. All Johnson needs to do is hit the weight room a little more. Please give me your thoughts about why or why he shouldn't take over the starting center position now that Nenad Krstic is playing in Russia, Shaq has retired , and Jermaine O'Neal is basically just getting old.

What is th best swordfish species for my situation?

I have a 20 gal tank, planted, with 1 male blue neon dwarf gourami, 3 red wag platties, 7 guppies, albino cories, and ghost shrimp!? And I want 2 females and 1 male swordfish. Wat is the nicest one? The tank has a lid, and eventually I want to get 5 neon tetras. Don't tell me it's over stocked either. Or anything like that! I just want to no wat is the best swordfish tank mate to go with my male dwarf gourami, guppies plattys, shrimp cories and neon tetras in the future!!!!! Thanks in advanced

Am I a Bisexual homophobe?

Is it possible to be a homosexual homophobe? I'm bi and yet I can't stand some gay ppl. I hate the flamming gay guys who say that there are gay requirments such as talking like a black woman, walking like a ******, and you must love lady gaga and theater. And I hate those really butch lesbos that's shave their heads and dress like dudes and spit. I call them ******* and dikes when talking about them to friends and have no shame saying it to their face. So what I'm asking is am I a homophobe even though I dislike some gay people?. And does anyone else feel this wag about these sort of people? I know they have the right to dress, and act however they want I'm not saying it's wrong. But do you feel this way or know someone who does?

Why did my dog suddenly start barking and growling at me?

i've had my dog for a year now and he's always loving and playful but today he was out in the garden and i went to take out the recycling and he was stood on the path with white saliva like foam around his mouth. At which i stop and asked gently what he had. he then jump backward as if he felt threatened and started barking and growling at me he then moved towards me and then did the backing off barking again. his actions really worried me so i went back inside and shut the door on him, he then stood barking at the door so i opened the window to speak to him and he stood wagging his tail at the sound of my voice but was still barking at me and looking at me aggressively after a few minutes he was his normal self again and after 10 i let him back in. he was fine but i felt he was looking at me a bit off. a few hour later i was cooking tea and he started growling at me again i told him firmly to get on his bed and he did but i felt like he was staring at me as if considering weather to really challenge me. its quite a worry cos i have children who he's always been awesome with but why would his behaviour just change for no reason and so suddenly

Easy guitar songs to learn for a beginner teaching myself?

I am starting to teach myself how to play guitar and would like to know some good songs to start with. I ave taught myself Angel by Jack Johnson, Runaround by Blues Traveler, and Good Riddance by Green Day. Any other songs you think I should learn? I'll take any types of music and covers would be nice too.

What do you think of these name choices?

I'm guessing that you watched Where The Heart Is. I love that movie! Is that where you got Novalie (Novalee) and Americus? My favorites are Sofia Honor and Gavin Daniel.

What's the big deal on JaJuan Johnson's size?

Look at Chris Bosh he isn't much bigger and is the same type of forward and he's done pretty well for himself, wouldn't you say? he doesn't attack the basket worth a sh*t but he shoots great for a big man. same for Johnson. couls he be Bosh 2.0 (who DOESN'T look like Shelden from the Big Bang Theory?)

Will wagging school effect your CV and jobs in the later future? (PLEASE HEELP!!)?

You can find job positions for college students and graduates with different degrees online thru this site -


Ok so yesterday at about 6ish she started randomly whimpering for some unknown reason. She usually doesn't bark at all, so this was a surprise. We couldn't find anything that she might of eaten and no one was around her when this happened. Later, at about 9ish, I was petting her. I accidentally leaned on her a bit and she whimpered again. At this time, she seemed resistant to moving, staying in the same spot where I had upset her when she would normally move somewhere else. At 12ish today, I find her sleeping on the floor next to her bed where we had put her that night. Usually when she gets hot she goes upstairs and sleeps on the bathroom floor, but she was too weak do that. Also, I tested her with a treat. I krinkled a bag crinkleditchen and called her name, to which she'd normally come in looking for her treat. But, she stayed in the closet, wagging her tail. What is wrong with her????? Please help me I love my dog and I would be devastated if adivested happened to her. She is a four year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girl. We live in Chicago suburbs and it was pretty hot yesterday. IDK to say... PLEASE HELP!!

What are the Twolve planning on doing with all of the forwards ?

Alright , I'm glad the Twolves got Derrick Williams but they have soo many other forwards with potential. I mean Kevin Love , Martell Mebster , Anthony Randolph , Wes Johnson , and Michael Beasley . Sooo are they gunna start trading or what ...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What do you (nice) girls go for in a man?

h im from liverpool. when i say nice its because i know allot of girls and there skanks, always taking drugs and wannabe wags. im after a real girl not a scally!

NBA: Should Kahn & Wolves trade Beasley for a younger, better Center?

Honestly I would say keep Beasley because Michael Beasley would be a good extra scoring option. If the T Wolves were to trade someone I would say trade Martel Webster for a reliable 3 point shooter. A lineup of Derrick Williams and Michael Beasley would look pretty good. Kahn wants an up tempo system which is when Rubio is at his best. If you have a team that runs up tempo it's best to stack up on athletic forwards that can score. Yeah I would definitely say wait and see how things pan out before you decide to trade him...If I was the GM and I honestly wouldnt trade Beasley for Bynum. I like Andrew Bynum and all but he's too injury prone. So if you get Bynum you would be taking a big risk.

Master Sergeant Gary Gordon, The USA military, then and now. 1993 (somalia, mogadishu)?

Thank you for recognizing him and his team. I'm glad they finally came out with Black Hawk Down which showed alot of what happened to the Pilots, Rangers, and Delta who were involved in the missions.

Who are the most complete WR's in the NFL?

Possesion Recivers like Andre Johnson Larryfitzgerald Brandon Marshall and everybody on your list except for Hakeem Nicks And Santonio Holmes there in the speed category to me

What would be good fish to add with velvet wag swordtails?

I'm starting up a 55 gallon community tank. I really like swordtails but cannot figure what to put with them. Hopefully ill get 1-2 more kinds of fish as I buy the swordtails and then add more in the future.

My dog fell on its back and now she can't move her tail?

So, our 6 year old pug was on our master bed. We have another pug who was on the bed too and she got jealous of the other and started a fight. She knocked her off the bed and she landed on her back. Now she is walking around but her tail is just limp between her legs hanging back and forth, so far I haven't seen her curl it up or wag it. The fall off the bed was around 2 - 2 1/2 feet. Is this something serious and should we take her to the vet? She hasn't shown signs of distress so far, but it only happened around a half an hour ago.

Boat motor not working!!!!!!!?

I have a 1981 Johnson 9.9 hp outboard motor and it worked last year.... it has new spark plugs, gets spark, smells like its flooded, turns over, and has compression, but it wont run.......can anyone help?

Does anyones dog not eat when its storming?

i just got a 15yr old dog and today when we work up it was thundering and lighting really bad she greeted me with her normal wagging tail but now she is just sitting on the couch watching my other two walking around and eating but she wont move or eat. i know she is old and everything but yesterday she was fine and again i know with any dog espically the old ones things can change fast i was just wondering if anyone else had this problem she is a carnie terrier

Where are any amy jo johnson (the pink ranger) interviews?

Amy jo johnson acted as the pink ranger in Mighty morphin power rangers. Many comments on youtube say that she resents the show and her past in the show. Where are any interviews that i can watch where she expresses this?

Confused as to what a dog means?

So I found this springer spaniel, it was on the middle of a road with no owner around so I threw it's stick to get it off the road and it followed me home. While drying it I crouched down and it sat closer but it's tail was not wagging. It then lay down on me, on it's back. I don't know what this means? I dried it like this. Left it and it started crying so I sat down across from it and it came over and it lay down on me. It didnt wag it's tail though. I don't know if it's friendly though because when it lies down it just looks at me so I don't know if i bend down to clap it if it will bite me or...? Any help?

Why is my dog acting like this?

My family and I have a two (almost three) year old Rottweiler. She's usually fun, oveable, and acts like she's a cat. But a few days ago she changed a bit. I went over to her and she started to growl at me. I slowly backed away and even when I was out of the room, she continued to growl. She did it anytime anyone came around her, but her nub (tail) was wagging, so my dad didn't think anything was wrong. My mom thinks she might be going into heat. Anyone else have any ideas? I'm scared to pet my own dog. :/

How can you give someone AIDS (secretly)?

"Magic" Johnson told me he wanted to give another guy AIDS. obviously sex is out of the question. what are some other ways it could be done?

Could my boyfriend be bisexual? even if he doesn't know it?

I'm worried that my boyfriend is bisexual. I don't say gay because I know for a fact he likes women, but I think there's a chance he could also like men. First of all... hes very feminine. Everyone I talk to, like my friend Randall and Kacey. They seriously thought he was gay until they found out I was dating him. He seems flirty with guys. Kacey is bisexual and he my boyfriend knows it and Kacey liked him, he asked my boyfriend to hold his hand and he did. Later I was like dude what the ****? and he was all "i didn't know he was hitting on me" like he was super oblivious. He also says hun haha... which i actually like but that is a very gay thing. He has a best friend that he's... really close to. my boyfriend is 17 and his friend is 19. They still have sleepovers. They also go on late night walks together and go lay out in the field by our house and talk about their feelings and stuff. One day my boyfriend didn't go to school after sending me a txt at six in the morning saying "well im just barely gettin in bed" later i asked him why. it was because he was with his friend until 6:00 AM. and i was like why didn't you go home? and he said that they didn't want to stop hanging out. a little odd to me. And the when ever my boyrfriend talks about his friend my gaydar goes off bad. he says things like "He really cares about me, when we first were hanging out i was so worried he didn't like me or care about me and secretely hated me" and then one day i jokingly said your in love with him? and he was like yea. he didn't pick up on the joke. i've asked him about it a few times, he always says I. am. not. gay. but he doesn't reassure me very well. he changes the subject really fast. so can someone tell me what they think? and maybe give me some tips on what to do? thanks.

My female cat missy was spayed already about 2 years ago, but she started bleeding I dont know what it could b?

She seems very happy and content and wants attention and to b patted. She is wagging her tail and seems ok. Could she have an infection even though she is eating please I am very worried.

Strange dog behavior?

he probably thinks hesitance ball is back and is happy if u want him to stop pick up the ball and your other dog in front of him and give the back to dog in ur hand

Is this a mental disorder?

there's such a thing as social anxiety disorder, it's a real thing & it's treatable, c a dr. & they can help u, good luck to you


Why would you copy/paste your exam requirements? You didn't even bother to remove the points. Try doing your own homework.

Book Suggestions (Chick Lit/Romance/Comedy/etc.)?

INUYASHA (it involes love) KEKKAISHI (it involves romance) HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD (h.o.t.d) AVATAR the last air bender (it involves romance)

What genre is jack johnson and john mayer?

I f you are talking about a guy and his guitar it would be the John Cougar Mellenkamp genre, he is the the one that made that kind of sound famous.

Who performed the best on the original Dream Team?

It really doesn't feel right to say this, but I'd give it to Barkley. He led the team in scoring and only missed one three pointer. One. He also averaged a couple assists and rebounds. With that consistency, Sir Charles hands down.

What do you think of my NBA 2K11 Association Team?

Why is your record 8-2 with that team you should be a perfect 10-0. What difficulty are you playing in hall of fame?

What are the top 5 strongest QB arms in NFL modern history?

A "strong arm" in NFL parlance means "a quarterback that throw hard". You can document that Cunningham can fling the ball, which is not passing it, 70 yd? Twenty five years ago I heard it was 100 yd. How can you omit the current strongest and deepest arm currently playing in the NFL, Matt Schaub.

What might be wrong with my Sheltie?

It sounds like to me your dog is just lonely and wants to spend more time with you. He has had the same problem adjusting to the big change in your household as the humans have. (Dog's noses frequently get warm, especially when they are sleeping, so I wouldn't worry about that.) If your dog continues limping for 2-3 days, then he should go to the vet, but sometimes they just do that and then it goes away. You said your dog seemed happy and ate a treat. As long as your dog is eating normally and drinking normally and playing normally, I would not worry too much. Just try to give him a lot of extra attention. Try to think about him as a small toddler who would need lots of love and extra affection to get over the change that happened in your house. Changes like this make dogs anxious, just like they do people.

8 month old black lab puppy gets aggresive when we sit on couch?

she'll be eight months on Wednesday.. she is spayed, and never had this problem before, and i don't know if i can say its really aggresion, but whenever anyone sits on the couch she goes crazy.. barking growling and nipping at your hands feet shoes legs anything really. but her tail is also wagging. we have tried to ignore her but she just keeps biting, we try putting her outside but the next night it is the same deal. she got trained at petsmart and was fine for the first two months after the training now she had this one problem. ive read that it might be her going into adolesence but i don't know how to solve the problem. this is the only biting problem she has Please help!!! Thanks in advance :)

My dog puts her toys togeather and crys?

1st question I have to ask is is she spayed, if not does she do this at certain times in her cycle? It sounds to me like, as you say, her maternal instinct is very strong and she views these toys as litter mates, hence the extreme happiness that they are all tucked up and safe! Some dogs do this even when they're not spayed anyway. As long as she's happy I wouldn't worry, ..sounds like she has an owner who understands her needs completely ! Bless her, she sounds adorable !!

UK: Can we count on your vote?

I'm not keen on any of the current parties on offer. The only party I ever joined was the SDP. If this new party was like that, a refreshing change, then I would support it.

Mentally depressed please help!!?

Ok u are not mentally depressed. im mentally depressed, look if your so worried about it. Think, do you always get good grades? Do you look at whats good in your life? If you do, theres nothing to worry about. And if your a nerd proper definition-A extremaly smart person and lacks in social skills. I lack in social skills too. Im not athletic and its hard for me tho. Nvr evr give up your hopes an always keep trying at sports, essays, what evr you shoot at u can always suceed. Men's best successes come after their disappointments. Thats a little of topic but its for the future if u evr need incouragement

My fish are drastically dying. please help!?

I had fishes for 5 years already sometimes few would die after they grow old and everything.. but today i come home after i left for 2 hours and about 10 of my fishes are dead all of a sudden and i do not know why.... so i put them in a different container with cleaner and more cooler water and yet they still continue to die... another 10 died after i put them in new water. The fishes are Red Wag Swordtails. I dont know what to do I really need your help, please help me!

Where can I buy a dild0?

I can't order one online because my mom might open my mail, especially if she sees a suspicious package from the Johnson Dild0 Company or whatever and also because I don't have a credit card. So where can I find a store that sells them?

Monday, July 18, 2011

My neighbors dog got hit by a car.. he says its not his dog and dont care what happens. so im waitin?

Could be a number of things she could have injured her spine a disc could be pressing on nerves the pelvis could be broken i hope you reported your neighbour .

Should Randall "Tex" Cobb 43-7 be considered for the boxing Hall of Fame?

If not based on his ring performance, what about for his career after boxing. Sylvester Stallone earned an enrollment for Rocky why not a boxer who has achieved in other areas like acting. His two most famous boxing roles were in The Champ and Diggstown but he was great in Raising Arizona, Earnest Goes to Jail and a slew of other movies and television series.

We are going to a 4th of July party with 2 other dogs and my dog..HELP!?

I would take him. He seems like he just need to be socialized. Since he's still a puppy you should get started right away. If they try to hurt him pick him up and get him away from them, but if he's just scared let him defend himself. Hope everything goes well!


i have a 1 yr old pitbull whos always been very affectionate and playful. lately though a few things have happened that are starting to worry me ... before when i would walk her and she would meet another dog she would whine until i let her go over to sniff the other dog and she would just wag her tail n try to play. lately tho, when she sees another dog she starts barking and growling at them but still waggin her tail and whining, the other dogs get terrified and then everyones barking and pulling...she also snapped her jaws and growled at a stranger who tried to pet her..and shes growled at two other people passing by. she always barks and growls at my brother for some reason but in the same wag tail/ whining kind of way.. and she once growled at my mom for trying to push our chihuahua off the couch (she adores the chihuahua) she also tries to run out the door everytime she gets a chance and wont listen when i call her to come back like she used to. is this normal behaviour because shes getting older? should i take her to those training classes?

Did George Weasley and Angelina Johnson marry to console each other over the loss of Fred?

Either that or they just wanted to get married because of a particular date that only comes once in a lifetime, like 11/11/11

When will my week old fry grow up?

... Enough to determine gender[although most have rounded anal fins it seems, so they may be mainly girls], to mate[i dont want inbreeding], to be full size, and to be big enough to not get eaten by daddy?br
Oh, and they're platies. br
BQ: Can two red wag platies have a pineapple platy? Or are the fry all gonna be red?

My puppy is acting weird?

I'm pretty sure my puppy has fully recovered from Parvovirus. His bowels are not runny anymore, and they do not smell like parvo. He gets moments of energy. I say moments because, he will get up and run and play and even beat up on one of the other puppys (playfully), but he still tires fast. And he still will not eat. He walks around the house aimlessly, and he will lay down for a minute then get up, move a couple inches and lay back down, and he does this process over and over again all day. He walks with his head down all the time, very rarely brings it up, which causes him to run into obvious things, such as walls, like if he never knew the wall was there. And he does not wag his tail like he used to. He cries all the time. Could all this be signs of neurological damage from the parvo?

How do I calm my dog down before he is euthanized?

I have an 11 year old English Setter who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in February. He was doing really well until recently. We had him on 200mg of vetprofen and that suddenly seemed to stop working. Our vet told us that increasing the dosage or changing the medication would be our choice, but she recommended that it would be best if we stopped after 200mg. That's what we're doing; we would rather let him go on a high note rather than hit him up with tons of pills until he goes. Our vet also gave us some percocet, but she said only to give it to him if the vetprofen stops working and only for a maximum for 5 days (it's just to keep him out of pain until we can get him in for the euthanasia.) We started him on the percocet Friday and we're taking him in on Monday. It seems to be working well but he's still walking crooked and falling due to his tumor. He's still wagging and kissing everyone like his normal self, only he's weak and sickly. He's a good dog, but he's an anxious, nervous wreck when getting in the car, going to the vet, and being at the vet. Is there anything I can do to calm him for the ride and everything? The last thing I want is for him to be stressed...

I just put a red wag platy in with my tank, and he's sitting in a plant?

I left his bag in the tank water for half an hour to get him acclimatized to the water, but now he's just sitting in a plant!

Can I add one or two more female swordtails to this tank?

Get two or three female swords (best to have one male to 3 females but 2 is okay) and a pearl gourami, you have plenty of room. Wait do you mean a powder blue dwarf gourami or a pearl gourami? Either one should work. I would avoid an opaline gourami unless you get a female as the males can be aggressive, but I think the powder or pearl would be better. Most of your species stay small so three or four more fish should be totally cool especially if you have a good filter and keep the water quality up. You sound like you know what you are doing so I think you will be just fine. Happy fishkeeping.

Better NFL WR, Randy Moss or Terrell Owens?

When I say that I mean overall and currently. Id say overall, it's Moss. Even though Owens has better stats, he's only really significantly beating Moss in receptions, and yards and TDs, Moss is very close behind. And don't forget that Owens also came in the league two years ahead of Moss which gave him a better chance at stats. If they had come into the league at the same time, Moss probably would be beating Owens in most major receiving categories. I feel Moss was also a very important catalyst to his teams succes. Such as when with Vikings, he helped Culpepper have one of the best seasons a QB ever had and helped revatilze Randall Cunningham's career. With the Patriots, he helped Brady have a record breaking season and a SB appearance, and broke some records himself. Owens was no slouch either, he did help San Franc. QBs and gave the Eagles the threath they had been lacking for McNabb for a while and finally allowed them to get over the Championship hump, but I still feel Moss did more. Currently, Owens is the better one because he had a much better season than Moss, but I feel Moss can rebound again like with the Patriots trade and have a better season than Owens next year. They were both the biggest WR divas of their generation, but I feel Moss will be considered the better receiver once it's all said and done, with no disrespect to what Owens has done.

WDYT of these baby names for boys and girls?

My favorite is Copper Daniel it;s really cute and something i would name my kid. my favorite girl name is Aliannah Honor because its unique...The others are really..ehhh i don't like them

Do people actually like Cheryl Cole?

And before she was just some wag, she was in a successful girl band, Girls Aloud. People like her because she's normal and very good looking. I'm not keen on her music, but so what, and big deal she twatted some one....who hasn't. She came from a poor back ground and climbed the success ladder, she hangs out with mega stars and people don't only like her, they want to be her, marry her or have a sister like her......whats there to not understand!!

Anyone else have a stupid dog?

If you are gonna bxxch about the dog..... I don't even know why you got it in the first place. And what are you trying to ask? ... >.>

Anyone know the quote "that''ll do Randall or RIP Randall" is from? Movie / TV I think it has a gravestone.?

I don't know the quote, but there was an old (possibly) 60s English Tv series called 'Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)'... and a more recent (late '90s, early 00s maybe) remake by the same name....It was a comedy detective series with two private detectives, but in the first episode one dies and comes back as a ghost and continues in his job helping his partner solve cases. But it was Marty Hopkirk who was the dead one, so I'm probably way off

Will this cat ever be able to deal with my dogs? Please help!?

Cats take a much longer time to adjust to new surroundings and other animals than dogs do. Keep your cat and the dogs separated for at least two weeks. Allow the cat to get used to the dogs scent. I would suggest potentially keeping the cat in a separate room with the door shut for a few days, then move him to a large dog crate where he/she can see the dogs but they can't get too close to him/her. Keep it that way for a week or so. If you don't have very "curious" dogs, they will eventually be able to cohabitate, especially if the cat has been around dogs before.

New Neighbor's dog is going to cause trouble?

carry a small gun on you and if it attacks you its considered self defense, even if it growls at you, you shoot that thing right in between the eyes

Prime Penny Hardaway or Joe Johnson? Who's better?

Two of my all time favorite players but i gotta go with Penny would have been a HOF if not for the injuries

What Marshalls did Ace Frehley use?

Dont really know which amps he used back those KISS days, I only know that recently he has been using Marshall JCM2000 Heads with 1960VB Cabs in his new tour...

Honest opinions on these boy names please?

These names used to be common, but not anymore! They're strong names that will stand out and can carry a person from infantry to nursing home. Remember, it's your child and not anyone else's. My best friend just had her son and named him Griffin, no one liked it, but she gets compliments on it everywhere she goes!

Did Bush tax cuts cause recession? Why did Obama extend them? Did Bush's war for oil cause recession? If so...?

Not entirely . They did however give away 5 trillion in revenues . Correct about all but the Bush wars . They were not for oil so much as for profit . Iraq ( with American contractors ) is selling their oil to Russia .

Please translate from tagalog to english the phase below.?

Subra cla kng laitin aq ah.. Tang ina.. Kung nd mu lang talaga magulang un.. Ang mhrap pa aq pa nangugulo alam mu n hnd n kta tntxt matagal na taz bgla clamaglit at laitin aq.. Para clang dios kng makapag husga kala mu kung cnung taong hnd dumaan sa hrap at umangat dhl lng din sau. Dhl sa trbho mung alam muna.. Alam q kng anung klaseng trbho pinasok mu kaya kau umangat kaya wag kaung maxadong magmataas halang din ang kaluluwa mu 2lad ko alam mu un...

Why is my puppy so shy?

I'm adopting a 4 month old chihuahua from my local shelter. I went to see her today and she's in a cage with the dog found with her as a puppy. When I went up to the cage she was wagging her tail, kissing my hands, and being all around playful; but when we went to meet her separately in a different part of the shelter, she completely changed. She was shaking like crazy with her tail between her legs. She had no aggression and didn't try to get away from me when I held her but I'm just curious to why she changed so drastically? They put her back with her sister and we went back to the cage and she turned right back into the playful loving dog again. Is she just attached to the other dog like it's the mom and just needs to get used to me and my family or is it always going to be like that? I have a gentle dog at home maybe they will bond the same way and feel safe? Please answer this ASAP I need to make my decision by tomorrow thanks!

What are some examples of Randall Mcmurphy's protest against the institution?

maybe when he gets the patients to stay up all night and they drink and fool around and stuff and get in sh*t tons of trouble? and then of course he kills nurse ratchet ... lol

What are the laws for shipping firearms?

I bought an old iver johnson single barrel champion a while back in michigan. the guy promised me that he could mail it to my house in maryland, in which you can legallly own a shotgun without a firearms permit of anykind. may I also say it was'nt in firing condition but i could easily have fixed it with the purchase of a few parts. anyways after getting my hopes up for a week he calls and tells me that "I thought you were talking about a toy gun, no I can't send this to a person across state lines to someone without a firearms permit" Now I know i don't need one to have it here but he sent my money back before i could tell him. So is what he said true? Is it illegal to send a firearm "that doesn't work" across statelines to someone without a firearms permit if one is not needed in that area?

Which of these teams would win?(Players in prime)?

maybe team A since they got magic johnson and larry bird, But team B has michael jordan and Well he can take the time all by himself like he always did.

Which of these QBs are better?

I don't need to list all of those guys! In the NFC clearly Joe Montana is the man and in the AFC Marino hands down! I'm thinking you thru Jamarcus in there to piss us Raider fans off but it didn't work! During the season give me Marino for a guaranteed 12-4, 13-3 record, when i hit the playoffs i want Elway, and in the SB i want Joe Cool!

Do you know why lebron always fails to his expectations every year?

i think so, i predict he will go to the finals 3 more times in his career, and losing all of them because he won't stop choking, lebron did it in the 2007 finals, the spurs were a strong team, but lebrick couldn't even win one game, lebron had a much better supporting cast in 2008 against the celtics, he scored 45 points, that's great, but he felt short in the 4th quarter and started turning the ball over, Same with the magic in 2009 in the Eastern Conference Finals, the cavs were favorites to win it all, and they felt short with the magic, then 2010 when everyone favorited the cavs to beat the celtics, some analysts predicting a sweep, and he falls short once again, with just 15 points in game 5, 9 turnovers in game 6, only thing he did well was rebounding the ball, his shooting % was pathetic and he didn't show up in the 4th quarter, this year's finals even with D wade's help he couldn't get it done, his 8 point performance in game 4 was inexcusable, and his turnovers were pathetic again, he bounced back in game 5, and had a triple double but he had another 4th quarter dissapearence, Dissapointment will always go along with lebron james, he is just a regular season player, players like MJ, Larry Bird, Kobe, Magic Johnson learned how to handle the pressure, lebron is just weak, he is the physically the most gifted player, but he has the mentality of a 12 year old, he is more Robin than Batman, he is Pippen more than he's Jordan, he doesn't have the leader characteristics, doesn't have the killer instinct, ever since he joined the nba he begged for the jordan comparison, he decided to wear #23 and made a chosen one tattoo, he calls himself the king, he is a liar, specially after promising cleveland that he wasn't going to stop until he wins a championship for them, Lebron has no class, he is ego is as big as his failures in the 4th quarters of every game, had a 1 hour special just to announce his decision and rub it in the face of every cleveland fan out there, he also hid some tape of jordan crawford dunking on him, this guy is pathetic

Puppy keeps throwing up?

Ok, I have a 3 1/2 month old Australian shepherd puppy that my older brother adopted for me from his friend who breed her female aussie and gave the only male in the litter to me. When we received him he had no shots period. 2 weeks later we took him to pet-smart to get his shots and we were told to bring him back in three weeks, and to not let him play in the grass because of something in the grass that is bad. The first 2 weeks were fine then he started throwing up, its light brown watery vomit. I have to admit during the three weeks we did let him sometimes in the grass. I think that's why he is vomiting so much, but I'm not sure. I KNOW FOR A FACT ITS NOT PARVO, he eats 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night of pedigree adult complete (my brothers friends told him to feed him adult complete dog food,plus he never vomited eating it so it not the adult food) and drinks his water regularly, and he is NEVER ill looking or laying down and not moving, he wags his little tail a lot, always happy,playful,and he looks really healthy, it's just he is always vomiting. I don't know what to do...please help :(

How many square cm will Randall have to paint?

in pottery class Randall made a cylinder vase that is 24 cm tall. its base has a radius of 3 cm. he wants to paint the outside of the vase. how many squared cm will Randall have to paint? round to the nearest whole number. Use 3.14

Where can i find female guppies?

Today I went to my local petshop today And Got 3 Dalmatian Mollies,3 Red Tux Guppies,and some ghost shrimp for my 55 gal. tank.I Currently Have Some Red Wag,Platys,Swordtails.The PetSmart Had No Female Guppies????Where can I Find Some?

How do you train a dog who has been taught to fight?

Its very had to change a dogs ways. You should take him to a professional trainer. And if you do change his ways you need to keep this in the back of your head that dogs are wild animals and could become agreessive at anytime.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Which of these three men would you go out with if they asked you?

without knowing their personalities this is hard. the first is ugly, the third and second are pretty awful too. ask the second- he's the only half decent.

Intermittent spark ignition systems for restaurant cooking equipment?

I am working on a Blodgett convection oven (propane) which is equipped with a Johnson Controls G770 type spark controller. My problem is that after the pilot flame is detected and the main burner solenoid valve is energized the main burner lights for about a second and then both the pilot flame and the main burner flame are extinguished. The ignition system then recycles with the same result, ultimately going into lockout. Replacing the control yields the same result so I have discounted the possibility of it being at fault. Any suggestions? The factory offers no viable solutions.

Why does my outboard stahl on plane for a couple seconds?

i have a 1996 johnson 150 searunner that stahls out kinda randomly once im plained out or when throttle up quickly, it runs fine before it stahls and after it only does it a couple seconds at a time. i ran my tanks dry put fresh gas in,changed filter and plugs

Why is right wing ÀМ talk radio dy¡ng?

Because it made the move to FM where it is currently dominating. Why is liberal talk radio nonexistent in either?

Randall century 200ii 250 watts into 150watt 4x12=crazy high pitched sound?

my 4x12 is 150 watts with a peak wattage is 240, now i just bought the amp head i didn't see it was 250 watts when i plug it into my cab and turn on the head it nearly blows the speakers making a really annoying loud sound. i was wondering if its mismatching watts or if its my amp head that's messed up. I cant test if its the amp head because i don't have a 4x12 with enough watts to handle the head so i cant tell if its broken or its overpowering the cab and if i get a 300 watt halfstack should i be okay? anyone have any experiences or opinions on the head i have? its a randall century II

Good Randall Amp Settings?

I have a Randall 120 RX. i would like to now some good settings for this amp. ideally i would like to sound like nuno bettencourt but im ok with anything. give me a variety of settings as well. :)

Where can i find light blue M&M's?

Easter or go to the M&M store in Las Vegas... they're a seasonal item around the world but they are regularly stocked at the M&M Store in Vegas.

What is this lump on my red waggy tail platy? ?

hiya, one of my red wag tail platys has a small lump just under her mouth, she seems quite healthy still swimming about the tank, where the lump is the scales look like they are flaking a bit, does anyone know what this is and if theres something to treat her?? thanks in advance :) x

Where can I find the movie Susie Q?

Does any one know where I can watch the movie Susie Q in 1996 with Amy Jo Johnson in it, I was thinking about the movie and Google it but I could not find it any where to watch the whole movie, I even tried but they don't even have it. Thanks

Is this plot idea for a vampire story any good at all?

I actually kind of liked it. Vampires portrayed in a darker light, like they were meant to be. Very refreshing. Then I got to the end where she kisses him and he realizes he likes her, and it ruined it for me. I'm really tired of vampire/human romantic relationships. They're everywhere these days. Its overdone and its hardly believable/realistic due to the fact that vampires exist to drink human blood. That's all I'll say on that subject, but up until that point I thought it could be interesting. Oh, one other thing that bothered me, the part where all the other soldiers are picked off team by team, one by one. I can totally see that playing out like a cliche scene out of a horror movie, where the killer eliminates all but the most important characters in horribly gruesome ways. Its not very original.

Want to help with friends overweight dog...?

I took my friends dog out today and for the first time realised how bad she is in terms of her weight and attitude. She is overweight, doesnt really run or want to play and seemed to get tired real quick. I dont want to berate my friend but I do want to help the dog! We walked for two hours and she was wagging her tail the entire time -she just ambled along sniffing everything in sight and occasionally ran in front of me. I can take her out 2-3 times a week and want to make it count. Any kind suggestions? Thanks

What truck setup and tightness should i have for freeride longboarding?

Just use Independent bearings mediums and you shouldn't really slide with a long board its possible but what your seeing in the videos are carving, if you want to powerslide with soft wheels you need to go really fast but it messes up your wheels and its hard to control and get a good long slide, for easier sliding you need hard wheels.

Dwayne johnson movie question?

I was a kid watching a movie and I can not remember the name of it all I remember is that in one part of the movie dwayne johnson as a chracter gave fruit to another guy and his head blew up because it was a weird fruit and I think they were in mexico and at the end of the movie one of the people were being shot at on a bus and that's all I remember

Ray William Johnson or Ryan Higa?

They are both freaking amazing, but I think Nigahiga is has better acting skills, and he can make videos that can make ANYBODY laugh :) but both are really creative and funny.

WDYT of these names + suggestions are welcome?

I don't like any of them. Novaly-Skye Rae and Nany Sybil are the worst. The rest of them have either trashy middle names or first names. The boys names don't flow well together.

YWWE Night of Champions pick winners and rate matches and show?

Most of those guys on you mentioned on the card aren't even around any more and Where the hell is John Cena? the face of the WWE! gay *** card!

I think my pug is sick!?

If his back is arched he is in pain and that this makes it difficult for him to walk normally. Please have your dog examined including blood work by a vet ASAP do not delay. Pugs should not be over weight, this is extremely hard on their back. Being lethargic, bloated, arched back is not normal, and can be a major illness. I hope he is okay.

Which European Cup win was most memorable in your opinion Celtic 1967 or Manchester United 1968?

Also to Johnson and NoName the reason I support Rangers is because i'm from Glasgow, so stop making a fuss of it...

Why were the original cast of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, so upset?

I read everywhere that Thuy Trang, Austin St. John, and Walter Jones were all upset with the hours and the poor pay. Also, Amy Jo Johnson complained of having to do all of their own stunts due to lack of stunt doubles (may have been for the movie). However, most of the footage in the TV series was taken directly from Japan's Super Sentai/Zyuranger. Scenes with the Zords, monsters, and fighting sequences have been taken from Japan's shows for the duration of most Power Rangers series. So what was really going on?

Michele Bachman supports Intelligent Design. Does she support the Alien Ant Farm theory?

Joe, you have far too much time on your hands. In my opinion, Michelle is incapable of such deep thought. She may be a nutjob, but not in this league.

What do I do about my dog? She got shot?

Definitely take her to the emergency vet. She needs something ease the pain and the wound needs to be looked at and treated so it does not get infected. Tomorrow's too late. She is not being dramatic, she is hurting, just like a person might be if they had been shot. Don't prolong suffering to save a dime, let someone see her right now.

How to get to Johnson & Johnson Paranaque if I'm coming from Cavite?

The road to J&J pque is the east service road. exit bicutan (bus or jeepney), cross through the overhead pathway to the other side (sm bicutan side), take a jeepney and go down leviste in the robinson's supermarket. You can take a trike from there, jst say johnson n johnson.

Anyone think the Timberwolves will improve this year?

With Ricky Rubio coming over and drafting Derrick Williams, what some people call the best in the draft. The maturity of Wes Johnson, and maturity of his game by working out with Kobe.

I just want to make sure of something about swordtails, can someone help?

I am getting 3 swordtails for my 20 gal planted tank with a lid and I am going to petco and getting the one that is the best looking. And I just wanted to make sure that EVERY kind of sword tail is a good peaceful addition to my community tank with red wag platties, male dwarf gourami, ghost shrimp. And mAybe neon or glolite tetras in the future!? Is their any that are agressive? Any that you recamend?

Buy or Sell: Lions signing Nnamdi Asomugha will make them instant NFC North contenders?

I love it when you list players that haven't proven anything in the NFL, and then another player you probably won't get. You're on your way to winning the Super Bowl

American Composers in need of really good information?

does anyone know where i can get really REALLY good information on the American Composers, William Bolcom, Randall Thompson and David Hykes?!

Im really sad because i have to get rid of my 8 month old dog?

will she miss me? and we have to get rid of her because she cant be trained to us the bath room out side we take her out right after she eats and she rolls on her back and wags her tail when i look at her what is wrong with her?

I am having trouble with a guy?

aww sweety boys ur age generally tend to be rude to girls at times..! i mean u guys are still very little you should be good friends and not worry too much you are really very young you shouldn't be worried at all about this stuff just enjoy ur childhood!

Tipler or Knight for Physics?

The physics textbook at UW is Physics for Scientists and Engineers written by Paul Tipler. For me this book is an incredibly tough read! So a friend suggested reading an older version of the book -- the one written by Randall Knight. Does any one know if it is any better, should I buy it?

Would reg wag platties mate with red wag swordtails?

Just one seeing If I should get more red wag platties or some red wag swordtails? Would they mate? Would 3 swordtails( 1male and 2 females) fit in a 20 gal tank wth 3 red wag platties and few guppies and 1 male neon blue dwarf gourami? R swordtail agressive?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jajuan Johnson AND Marshon Brooks,?

Celtics drafted Marshon Brooks BUT that was for the Nets. The Nets offered to get Jajuan Johnson for the Celtics with their 27 pick with a 2014 2nd rounder. The Nets prolly did that since Marshon might have been pick at 26 and they wanted Marshon first. Danny Ainge (Celtics GM) is piling up ALOT of picks. At least we know he has plans for the future.

What should I do with Libby and Bailey so they get along?

My oldest dog Lucy just passed away on saturday she was 10 and a half years old..And we have another dog Libby who is 8 years old she has had Lucy around all her life! And now that Lucy is gone she seamed very lonely so we got her a new puppy friend Bailey who is 8 weeks old, Libby came with us when we picked up Bailey and Libby seamed fine they did there sniffing and everything and they were both wagging there tails. When we brought them home it was nothing like that ! Libby wont go near Bailey and every time Bailey tries to go and play Libby growls at her to go away. What should we do so they get along? Did we make a mistake by getting a puppy to soon? Please help that would be great !

My budgie is acting wierd?

She is always wagging her tail fast and poofing up quickly to fix her feathers after I sit down. Her feet are also very warm. She makes tiny quiete squeaks not chirps and she always sqwats down to poop she never stands to do it. She is fine the doctor said so don't tell me she is sick

Would these make a good addition to my community tank?

i love dwarf gouramis personally. and i think they would look good in both of those tanks.. people say having more then one gourami causes aggression so i tryed it myself and i have no idea what they r talking about? mine dont fight or anything.. they swim around together slowly and peacfully and what is weird about this is that they are both males?? so i think dwarf gouramis are a great fish to have because they dont get big and a fairly big compared to other community fish. and about walmart... they dont usually take good care of there fish but if u do look look for the one female that is swimming happily and doesnt have any spots.

I revved my outboard on flush muffs! Big mistake. Help!?

Hi, I have a Johnson 50 hp that runs good. Well, ran good. I hooked it up to flush muffs and revved it. I know, I shouldn't have done that. I feel like such a fool. Anyway, it revved up really loud and shut off. I gave it a break for a few minutes, but now when I turn the key to start it, it starts and will only run for like three or four seconds and then shuts off. What did I mess up? It's a 69, but has always run well. Does it just need to sit for a while, or did I mess up the flywheel or something or overheat it? It's just seems strange how it will start and then cut off. I'll crank it, it turns over, fires up and then after a few seconds just dies! Why?!?

Should I accept this trade?

yes i think you should. when the players are compared i think wilson will get more saves than Bell and DAn Uggla is a better hitter than Johnson.

Rahm Emanuel, Jared Bernstein, Ben Shalom Bernanke, etc. Why the media never mentions the Jews behind Obama?

Most of them were confirmed by the Senate, Dick, and NO ONE tells the Supreme Court "what to do".

Where is FM School Located for HMFM 8404 Reservists located on the East Coast?

I've been Told either Camp LeJeune or Camp Johnson.....How long is C School? What type of rules and regulations should I expect? Is it as strict as Basic? Is it as free as Phase 3 in A school? What Should I expect ? Will I be able to leave base at all? At Night after training or on weekends? Will I have my cell phone and computer to stay in contact with my wife and child?

Baby name game. WANNA PLAY?

1) Girl: Kirsten Lyn--Girl: Kaelin Mae--Boy: Jayden Wayne 2) Since my husband was premature I would name him after him. 3) Girl: Skyelyn Marie--Boy: Keigan Tyler 4) Girl--Louise Kae Boy-- Zachary Joel Boy-- Christian Dane 5) Idk! :/

Randall L. Stephenson?

What is the corporate address of the ratbastard AT&T CEO? I want to return the crap I've been forced to use for the past 2 years personally. Unfortunately, there's no way to get back all of the money that's been extorted from me.

Why Did I have this Nasty Dirty Dream about this Asian Guy hahahahaha ewwwww?

anyways I had a dream that I was giving him Head ewwww he was really OLD and he reminded me of My EX Randall like for reals like yes he looked Japanese but he WASN"T you know like for REALS I am not even kidding I saw that Nasty Old man in my Dream and thought Randall hahahaha I mean were cool now but still EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ya know?

Indicate a rough estimate for each answer. Thanks for the help.!!!?

1. Randall opened a savings account on June 1 and made the following bank deposits: June 1, $212.19; June 5, $29.03; June 12, $307.15; June 19, $652.00; and June 30, $78.75. assuming he made no withdrawals , approximately how much did he have in his savings account at the end of the month of June?

Last Friday I noticed that my 12 wk old pit bull was very lethargic and wouldn't eat or drink anything. ?

Saturday morning he was diagnosed with Parvo. We were sent home with an iv for fluids, antibiotics, and nausea medicine. They told us to feed him boiled chicken on Sunday, but he couldn't keep it down. Although he continued to seem a little playful, I was very worried that he might not make it. I also didn't feel like I could keep sticking an iv in the poor puppy. I tool him to the vet on Monday and he wad hospitalized. Today is Tuesday and they just called me and said that he is still playful and wagging his tail. They said he did throw up last night but since having a shot for nausea he hasn't thrown up anymore. They feel like they may be making progress so they are going to keep running the course. Should I feel hopeful? How long should it take for him to be ready to come home?

Can you check if my answers are correct? Letter From Birmingham Jail? Quickly Please!?

Your answer to 3 is wrong. King's letter was addressed to clergy who believed the civil rights battle should be fought in the courts and not in the streets and considered King an agitator. It had nothing to do with a church bombing. "Both are social commentaries that address racial tension and oppose the use of violence" is the correct answer.

Do you really think Magic Johnson was that good?

He was never clutch like Jordan or Bird. His most famous shot is his sky hook in the '85 or '87 finals and he even left around 5 seconds on the clock. He never really came up with huge numbers and played on the best team in the league throughout the 80's. Don't get me wrong, he was an amazing player, but wasn't he somewhat overrated? I think Bird was way more clutch and a way better leader, and he played on a worse team in the 80's.

Warriors vs Storm. Terrible performance by the error ridden, bad decisions warriors. Your thoughts on the game?

Warriors captain Simon Mannering played very badly. He is meant to be the leader of the pack but it seemed like he just isn't giving his all. Brent Seymour had a shocker, how could he of replaced up incoming rising star Shaun Johnson? Lance Hohihia was the main culprit, dropping 2 high bomb kicks, both leading to tries.

Why did my fish die ?

I bought several fish at the pet store a few days ago. Everything had been going well until one of my fish died. It was a Red Wag Platie and it was with other recommended fish, plants, gravel, etc. I did notice that it wasn't eating and was actually laying upright on top of the gravel. It wouldn't swim around either. It didn't have anything on it nor did it look strange, in fact it looked quite healthy and beautiful. Do I have anything to worry about for my fish, and if so what should I do to prevent this from happening to another of my fish?

Who will the Republican base get behind to get the nomination?

Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or Jon Huntswoman.

How to get stronger and more hair?

massage ur scalp and hair with olive oil and almond oil, olive oil strngthens and makes ur hair grow quicker!!!!! leave it in ur hair for about 30mins then wash ur hair with a decent shampoo and conditioner and make sure u wash with cold water cz hot water makes it fall out :) another option is egg whites, it is disgusting :D but its full of protein which works wonders for your hair, again leave it in for 30mins and wash it out. dont wash ur hair too often as it will lead to ur hair falling out, and be gentle with ur hair, treat it with care and dnt use too many hair products lik: gel, hairspray etc. i hope ive helped, good luck. :)

How good is this Mock Draft?

Bills won't draft Patrick Peterson if Von Miller is still on the board. OLB is our weakest position, then again we do have Merriman now, but still he can only be on one side of the field. I just can't see us taking a CB but I don't know its not completely crazy, I'm just hoping we get Cam IRL

Will a goldendoodle come up and lay on your lap?

I've been considering one of these dogs. I want a family dog that loves everyone, and is always wagging his tail and wants constant attention and to be on his owner's lap. Is this describing a goldendoodle?

Mad TV-Does anyone know where you can view episode #1113?

I am looking for a particular skit off this episode. It is Nicole Randall Johnson playing Ka-son as a telephone operator for Valentine's Day cookies.

Can I have my 6 month old boxers tail docked?

I have a 6 month old boxer with an un-docked tail. I want to have it docked due to the fact that he wags it so hard and smacks it on stuff, that he literally breaks the skin and then it starts bleeding and he sprays blood all over the place and I'm constantly having to clean blood off my walls, my refrigerator, my stove, etc. I put bandages on the tail end, and he just keeps taking them off and then eating them. And then I have to give him peroxide to make him throw them back up because if I don't, then he'll become backed up and he could potentially die. We're getting him fixed soon and we would probably just have the tail done at that time if it is possible to have it done at this age. I'm not doing this to make him look "cool". I'm doing it because I'm sick of cleaning blood off everything in my house! Anyone who knows anything about this subject please give me your thoughts! Thanks

What are your experiences with Plato's Closet?

Yard selling is great , but i know i have clothes that can pull more than a quick few dollars... Some barely used. Im interested in trying Platos Closet but i want to know others experiences before wagging my clothes there. Thanks ! (:

My daughters won't talk to me and they're very mad?

I know exactly why they are is acting this way, it's because I am giving away our dog Millie. My daughter Sarah is 10 years old and my daughter Tatum is 10 year old too ( they are twins ). Well we got this Dalmatian puppy for their birthday last month, my husband insisted we get them a puppy so we did and we payed 600 dollars for the dog. Ever since then this house has been turned upside down and I can't take it anymore the dog pees and poops everywhere inside. Millie chews the furniture and my clothes and shoes and everything! The girls take care of her very well but this dog is just out of control. She jumps every, she run around on the furniture, she digs up the flower beds, she always so excited and jumps on me and the girls. Millie also will nip at you and sometimes she gets so excited she pees and scratches us on the legs.She howls all night and when we take her out for a walk she pulls hard and her tail wags so fast it hurts! She also get bored all the time, we buy her tons of toys she plays with them for awhile then never play with them again. I myself feed he properly, walk her three times a day,I let her run free in the yard twice, the girls play with her, we potty trained her when she was a little puppy. She completely insane and goes crazy she bark so loud too. I told the girls I am giving her away because I am and they both cried and threw a tantrum. They screamed at me and yelled " I HATE YOU!" my husband didn't do anything they refuse to talk to me and locked Millie in their room. I explained to them why we have to give Millie away and they still refuse to talk to me. What I am doing is right and there is no doubt about it, this dog idea was stupid and it will never work Millie is to crazy and she can't learn anything she a stupid dog and I am giving her away and maybe putting her down asleep. I haven't told the girls that I might put the dog down. I tried punsihments for the girls but they don't care. Any advice on how I can make them cool down and talk to me again? Help please husband is mad to.

Is Judy right? Do footballers deserve their wags?

The wags stay with these guys because what else would they do? Most of the wags have no job or anyway of earning a living that would get them anywhere near the standard they have while married to these guys.

When to put my dog down?):?

My labador dog is now 13. He was just diognosed with cancer in his front right paw. He still walks/runs and wags his tail, eats, drinks, poops/pees. But i can see a MAJOR diference in his attitude. It gets worse by the day. His eyes are bloodshot also. I love him so much and he is my best friend i sont want him to be in pain and i dont know when to put him down because he looks at me like he wants to keep living but i know he is in pain even with the pain meds we give him. I love him more than anything and the last thing i want is for him to be in mesery. what do i do?):

Check out this trade offer please?!?!?

Basically you're looking at Pineda for Cueto because Lohse in my opinion is not very fantasy relevant and I'm a Cardinal fan. I don't see alot of upside to him for the rest of the year. Especially since you are still waiting on Johnson and Hanson. When they are healthy you will have a great starting staff. So back to Pineda for Cueto, both are solid guys but I would lean more towards Cueto because he has a longer track record and maybe Pineda gets shut down early this year.

Something is wrong with my dog?

I have a three year old Great Dane named Miles, over the last hour or so he has been acting really strange. He is drooling A LOT (He normally doesnt drool unless he is excited), his ears have stayed pinned back against his head, he is coughing/gagging a lot, he won't stand up but he will crawl over to me if i call him, he won't eat his lunch or drink water, his tail is tucked between his legs (but he will wag his tail a bit if i talk to him), and his stomach is hard as a rock. Before that he was running around and playing like his normal self. He is normally very active and playful, so this is really strange for him. I can't take him to the vet right now and no one else can take him either, i am only 14. Maybe he has an upset stomach? Any ideas on whats wrong with him and how i can help him?

Book lovers and experienced readers-- Book suggestions?

I can tell you which one not to read - Don't read The Liar's Club by Mary Karr unless you like train wrecks. Reading it is like not being able to stop watching an accident.

I Have a male betta...?

Gouramis and betta are related and will likely fight. Mollys require salt when bettas and the rest of the fish do not. The silver dollar may also pick on the betta.

Friday, July 15, 2011

SAT Writing Question?

Theories is plural so it needs a plural "they" to go along with it. It should be "if they are confirmed...the theories.. Will be among the greatest" will be among is fine as it is. Take out the excess words and see how it sounds

Guys and Girls Answer: Who are the 3 hottest people on the list?

For girls I would say mila kunis. And as for the guys I guess if i had to pick i would pick Brad Pitt. Johnny Depp needs to be put on this list. He is the hottest celebrity ever!

How optimistic are you about your clubs young players?

Chelsea - Bruma,Van Aanholt, Bertrand, Sturridge, McEachran,Kakuta,Delac Lalkovic & Conor Clifford. We Had Borini and Scott Sinclair but sadly they left the club.

Depression or just pressure? Please Answer :'(?

Here's what you do first you should try to get more sleep. Cause lack of sleep has in definitely caused you to have lack of focus which is probably been the main reason behind you grades falling. The depression also comes from lack of sleep I can see, how do I know this, I went through this type of thing myself when I don't get enough sleep. So get some sleep, cause it helps your brain function better at least 8 to 9 hours and you'll be fine:)

Do red wag plAtties get along with these fish?

Wod 3 red wAg platties ( 1 male and 2 females) get along with guppies, some school of tetra (either golden, neon or glolite), male neon blue dwarf gourami, albino cories Nd Lbino bristlenose plecos??

Help treating my Sunburn?

I have a sunburn and the only thing we have in the house to treat it with is Johnsons baby oil with aloe Vera and vitamin e. will that help?

What are these outboards worth?

I have three Johnson outboards; 1965 9.5 hp, 1975 25 hp, 1978 85 hp. Was wondering if anyone knows what each might be worth. All of them are in running order. Thanks in advance

How do i know whats wrong with my cat?

Shes going to be four months old and right now shes acting weird. This morning at like 3:30am she was acting like she was drunk or something knocking her head into every walla or door she possibly could. Then she started to breathe very heavily and was acting very strange. She was scratching ALOT. Now i dont know if she had licked a bottle of tequila i had on my desk that was dripping without me knowing, but she started looking weird to me. She looked drunk. After a few hours she then just wanted to sleep. She sleeps in the morning but she's not so affectionate. But now she loving and lets you hold her and pet her like nothing. She hasnt eaten solid food. I gave her water and vitamin milk i bought from petco. She drank that with no problem. But now all she is doing is sleeping. Any movement made she would automatically get up and play but now shes just laying there. Shes breathing normally and her tail wags when she is awake but when shes sleeping, its like shes not even here. I talk to her and she just looks at me with this blank stare in her face. Im scared but my mom said shes going to be ok. I dont know what is wrong and the money is right now too tight to get her to a vet. I dont get paid until the end of the month. :'( Is she going to be ok? Im so scared. Is this normal? Also she hasnt used her litter box.

How to thank my best guyfriend?

Helloooooo, I want to thank my best guyfriend for being such a awesome friend! I wanna make something for him! he loves south park unicorns youtube stuff like ray william johnson and kentucky fried chicken! our friendship hasn't been very stable since he was very sad and afraid that I would leave him as a friend. so he said : maybe it's better not to see eachother anymore.. he said that because he thought that I would leave him and he didn't want to be hurt:(! I miss him really i love him so! what can I give him to thank him for being so awesome?! no rude comments pleaase xxxTHAANKS

Please translate from tagalog to english the phase below.?

Subra cla kng laitin aq ah.. Tang ina.. Kung nd mu lang talaga magulang un.. Ang mhrap pa aq pa nangugulo alam mu n hnd n kta tntxt matagal na taz bgla clamaglit at laitin aq.. Para clang dios kng makapag husga kala mu kung cnung taong hnd dumaan sa hrap at umangat dhl lng din sau. Dhl sa trbho mung alam muna.. Alam q kng anung klaseng trbho pinasok mu kaya kau umangat kaya wag kaung maxadong magmataas halang din ang kaluluwa mu 2lad ko alam mu un...

I miss my Dog... How can i try to feel better?

He was 13 when he died, which was yesterday. We put him down he was getting sick, he started doing things he never EVER did before, he started drinking from the toilet, he never did that at all, and slept on the couch because he was in so much pain. It was hard for everyone in my family when we put our beloved Bogey, chocolate lab down. My dad cried, and he never cries he gave him kisses and hugs before the vet injected the shot. I've known him since i was born, we got him 2 months after I was born, how we picked him out is like the sweetest story. We were looking for a new dog and my sister who was 6 was looking at the 2 puppies, they were 2 months old, one was a chocolate lab and the other was the same but with a spot, they were brothers. The other dog wwith the spot was lazy, but the littlest one ran over to my sister and was doggy-kissing her, my sister played hide and seek and when he couldnt find her he would whine. That's how we got our dog Bogey. I just feel so sad that hes gone i woke up this morning expecting to see my best friend, only to remember that hes gone. He was so special at all of us, he wagged his tail yesterday while being put to sleep, which was so hard knowing hed be put down. I miss him os much and keep crying, sometimes it felt like he was my only friend because he was the only kind of friend that would make u feel better and happy. how can i try to get over this, i know il NEVER forget him, he was so sweet, protective, cute, friendly, and he was like my brother.

40 Horse Power Motor. Starts in starting position, when bringing it down to neutral it stops. It won't start?

it stops. It will start up again when you unplug the gas, then plug in again when it starts. A lot of smoke is coming out all the time. It runs at med speed even when it is in high start. Added gum out thinking it is varnish in the carburetor. We let it run for about 15 mins. Tried to put it in neutral and it dies out. It will start up again when unplug from gas. Any ideas?????????? It is a 1998 Johnson outboard 40 Horse.

Why does my dog whine when someone comes home?

when my moms b/f, her, or me come home my dog (10 months if i matters) she jumps all over us, runs through the house, wags her tail and whines.

Andre Berto vs Jan Zaveck in the works.Will this be a easy fight for Berto?

Another effort to make Berto look good again. It's time for him to step up his game and face a real challenge.

What can you do about a crappy basketball team?

So our basketball team is going to suck bandaids this year and adding insult to injury our jerk of a coach dtched us (thanks CoachM you suck) for another school. I play year round basketball but had an acute dislocation in my knee so i start again in the fall. Am I going to have to pull a Magic Johnson And go end to end or is there actually hope for this talentless group?...I lovethese girls but their basketball skills are sub-par

Please help!!! Is this a ghost/demon/? Or was my cat just grumpy?

I'm really trying to figure out what's going on here so please no "nice story" answers... So 3 years ago my best friend passed away, he was 21. The day he died I went into his house and I was pretty upset, I took one of his wifebeaters (it sounds creepy but I wanted to feel like he was still there) I've had it ever since,I have washed it. So yesterday I felt upset and I brought his wifebeater out of my closet, I talk to it sometimes, it makes me feel like I'm talking to him. After, I left it laying on my bed. Last night i brought my cat inside to sleep with me cause it was raining. Usually when I bring her inside, she is happy and she jumps on my bed, lays down so I can pet her and she falls asleep with me, but yesterday She didn't want to be in my bed at all! I'd pick her up and I'd put her on my bed and she'd wag her tail and run from my bed and stand on the floor without moving. At first I thought that maybe she just wanted to play with my stuff before jumping into bed. Then I heard noises but I wasn't sure what they were, my cat heard them too, and I started feeling like there was something else in the room, like the air seemed thicker. I picked up my cat a few times and I kept taking her to my bed but she kept and running away and from it and she began scratching under the door like she wanted to get out and her pupils were super dilated, she also began mowing, she usually does this when she wants me to pet her. I picked her up again and I put her on the right side of my bed and she growled at me, something that she only does when she is uneasy, in pain, or afraid, and she ran away from the bed again, that's when I noticed that the wifebeater was on my bed(the right side) it seemed like the cat wanted to get out so when it stopped raining I took her outside.when I was in my room I heard a loud noise, but it was coming from OUTSIDE of my room, it sounded like something had fallen down but there was nothing there.Can someone please help me?? What could this be??

My 4 month old tibetan terrier girl puppy barks at strangers...please help..?

My dogs also barks at strangers, but its more at night time which I really don't mind. The other night princess started barking a lot. Well it seem there was 2 unknown people out side my house door being extremely loud. So anyways. Take her out for walks on a leash. As cesar millan does, overy time she start to bark or even when she give u a sign, pull on her leash so she forgets what she was about to do. Also remember to be calm n relaxed when walking ur dog.

What are the Betsey Johnson outlet stores like?

Before I make the drive, what are the stores like? How old is the merchandise, and what are the prices like? thanks:)

Republicans and Democrats: Would you vote for a Perennial candidate for president in 2012?

we need a hard core conservative republican back in office.i have been a democrat all my life,but i was wrong.the new democrats are not like the old ones.there concern is not the economy and helping americans when they are down.they have joined the big circus and are focusing on gay rights and racism.yes,those are issues that need to be addressed,but there is more going on in the country ,than just helping minorities get a free ride,while other americans have to work hard for what they have.and helping the gays destroy morals and family values in our great country of the usa.

Fantasy Baseball Help..?

Your pitching is good, but you need to work on your offense. Drop Moutsakas because he is doing terrible right now. You can have Cuddy has your 3B then pick up an outfielder.I would pick up Coco or Swisher and drop Moustakas.

Where is a good place to get purses?

Okay so I'm looking for a swing pack. (The ones with long straps to go across your body) but all the ones I find are super expensive. Where can I find discounted swing packs..? I really like the brands coach, harijuku, bettsy johnson, juicy couture & dso on but if you know of a site with really cute ones that aren't that brand still leave a comment!(: thanks in advance.

If there is a 2011 football season, Standings(NFC) ?

i dont think the nfc north will do that well. you said that the packers have the toughest schedule in the league. well, based on the system, the rest should have a tough time too since only 2 games are different between all the teams (minus home and away games). as for the east, i see the cowboys and eagles being tied for 11-5. in those losses early, vick started and got the win with kolb winning the game. he didnt get the start. but kolb for the most part wont be there. the cowboys have a lot of upside this season inclding new staff all around and romo of course. the redskins still have problems with the offense. maybe 9-78. the giants have a brutal last 8 games. and they have a problem playing the 2nd half. the nfc west is the nfc west, i dont agree, but i dont disagree. anything can happen. i think the nfc south is pretty accurate, i just dont see the panthers doing much better. they still have a lot more prblems than just qb. thats why i thought giving clausen the boot for newton was bad because they need help on defense and clausen was still young and developing. but who knows? last season made EVERYONE look stupid. plus, i cant say much since players havent been resigned so players like asomghua possibly resigning can make/break a team.

How do you stop a dog from biting family members?or other people?

ok so i got a miniature schnauzer had him since he was a puppy and hes never hurt a soul he was really good dog obidient nice and playful very very cute he is 3 yrs old now and a couple months ago he got this habit of barking aggresivley at people and barking and barking but he wouldnt bite as soon as they touched him he wud wag his tail and be playful but i had to bring my nephews to live with me and they wer playing they wud run around the house and he wud chase them i told them to stop and they wudnt just to agitate him so they eventually stopped but kept playing with him and days later me and my nephew wer on the couch watching tv and we wer play fightng over the remote and the dog jumped up and bit my nephew on his arm aggresivley i pulled him off and threw him outside and took care of my nephews wound why can i do to stop this he is very sweet and nice but he just gpt agrresive recently i dont wanna give him away or put him dow?

Dog acting weird during lunar eclipse?...?

Our dog Mocha started wagging his tail by the door, and when we let him outside (we thought he had to go to the bathroom) he instantly ran out and started barking. He never acts like this. Do eclipses do something weird?...

Is the magnum ecstasy variety of condom smaller than the normal Trojan magnum?

I walked into my friend's bathroom and there was a wrapper from a Trojan Magnum Ecstasy condom sitting out on his counter. I've tried wearing a normal magnum before and it's like putting a grocery bag on my johnson, slips off immediately. Are the magnum ecstasies smaller than magnums and so my friend can fit them?

Will my dog and soon to be baby mix?

My dog has always been on guard like I go in bathroom she follows and watched the door I go to bed she sleeps in front of door and everything I took her in when she was a pup and watched the ppl throw he out the window so I took her in and think she's owing me the favor but family says I need to put her down bc if the baby was to pull hair and I say ouch they afraid she attack but she wouldn't hurt a fly she here's the door knobs jiggle she wagging the tail and jumping up n down before you know who's here! So what should I do? J think she's fine I been practicing with a fake baby alls good

My Border Collie hurt her front leg?

I also have a border collie (which is what drew my attention to your question:D)Anyways you are going to need to take her to the vet, it will cost because they may need to get a x-ray which was 150.00 at my vet. Hope this helps!

Problem with my amp! no distortion?

Did you hit the 'overdrive' button? Maybe the guy had a pedal hooked up to it. Fender Supersonic has a great versatile sound with two gain stages, for a decent price without getting into full tube stacks. A stack is obviously what you want for that awesome high gain sound. Of course Cube amps have all sorts of cool sounds to mess with. I say take your Johnson Warrior back anyway and get something that really cooks.

How do I find the breed of my dog (dog experts welcome)?

Ok, the pound said she was a border collie boxer mix, but I think she's part greyhound or something. She has shiny short black hair. There is a white stripe on her forehead/muzzle that goes down and ends on her chest, just like a border collie. Her paws are white partially, like only white up to just past the toe bones. When you look at her jowls, or mouth from below when she's panting, you can see the boxer part. But there's somethings different about her. I swear, when she wags her tail, it feels whip-like because she is really strong. Whenever she runs, i think she uses the double suspension gallop, some method greyhounds use to run. She's a fast runner. But I don't know if she is a greyhound or something else like a whippet or an italian greyhound. So I measured her and she's about 25 inches from the ground to her back and about a yard long. So, what do you think? Oh yeah, also she's older now so now she has more white around her eyes, they look like eyebrows. She has more white around where her white stripe is. Her personality is goofy. She's sneaky though. She is very loving, though, except when she's tired, she wants to growl at everyone. She is persistant, and won't stop until she wins, just in case those personality traits correspond to any other type of dog. Sorry this was so long. So yeah, please help me :)